Parts work

Inner process on the intersection of psychology, trauma healing and magic, “Parts work” series is a representation of self in motion. Parts that flow in and out consciousness, sets of traits expressed outwards, sectioned off hurts and identities captured through color and movement.

The self is not so weightless
Nor whole and unbroken
— Achilles Come Down by Gang of Youths
"Unraveling" acrylic abstract painting by Leo Harris

Art is a process and the process is art

The process of painting was what came before the visual aesthetics of my art. It grew out of my mindfulness and embodied movement practices I was using to work through trauma and c-ptsd. Those practices taught me to stay in the present moment without the constant anxiety of focusing on the end goal.

Traumatic experiences are often stored in the memory fragmented and wordless. Art became a way to express the inner turmoil and complexity without words and even without complete memories of what is it I’m trying to express.

Mixed media painting and poetry by Leo Harris

With time and consistency I started to find words as well…

I don’t “make” art

Art is what makes me

Just like the boundaries between my internal selves are fluid

So is the boundary between outside and inside

My art is my internality

spilled out on paper

on canvas

on backs of old sketchbooks

Pouring out






Colorful acrylic abstract painting by Leo Harris
Colorful and dynamic acrylic abstract painting by Leo Harris

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Digital Art


Identity series