The magic of spaces in between

One day on a trip to Washington DC I had nothing but markers and a small sketchbook with me.

"Mystic eye" art by Leo Harris

It was a pivotal and a deeply challenging period of my life. All the structures and routines of past thirteen years were undergoing a sea change: I was taking steps to leaving an unhealthy relationship that most of my life revolved around, I was traveling alone for the first time in a long while. And it was a little scrappy: I had none of my usual art supplies with me or a space to paint for that matter.

But creativity doesn’t wait and my art has always been a way to process experiences. So I did what I knew how to do: make marks on paper. Turn feelings into colors, wordless concepts into glyphs, a language that is void of meaning but always full of meaning. Sigils of change if you will, of finding magic in the face of adversity and uncertainty.


Identity series

